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Measuring The Area

Whether your fence is for privacy, security or purely aesthetic, the lay out will remain similar.

  Laying out your fence should be the first step in the measuring process.

there are a few basic steps that will help your project be a success,


- Create a sketch of your property, locate the areas where the fencing is to be installed. This will become your plan or visual aid while measuring and a place to note possible areas of concern and/or obstructions. 

- Understand that the Wood Fence Panels when face nailed, will cause the fence posts to have to be "backset" off the property line by the thickness of the panels.

- Note the location of trees that will be along the fence line.

 Trees along in the fence line will most likely need to be "boxed" around, this requires additional material.

- Note areas of radical slope.

 Radical slopes require "rackable" fence panels to follow the slope or longer posts for "stepping" the fence panels.

-Check your property lines – Make sure you know where your property lines are located relative to your proposed fence layout. Installing a fence on the wrong side of a property line could be a costly mistake.

Locating Underground Utilities.

  Check for utilities – It’s important to make sure you know the position of all underground utilities before you start digging holes for fence posts. This is federally mandated and compulsory Moreover, you’ll protect yourself from personal injury or service interruptions.

  When you call 811 they open a “dig ticket” that alerts all utility companies, servicing your property, of your intention to dig. You’ll need to call 811 a least a week before you intend to start work, so utility companies have time to come out and mark the position of underground utilities.

 Please Note there is no way to "locate: sprinkler lines with out digging. Care must be taken when digging post holes.


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 Measuring the fence lines.

   Now that you have fairly accurate sketch, it's time to fill in the numbers.

 In open areas, it is suggested that you drive a metal or wood stake at the stop & start points of each line. They must be sturdy enough to be able to hold a mason's string pulled taut. This string will help you this visualize the location lines of the project.

  Pick a point to start your actual measurements. follow that line until you  reach a stopping point in a straight line. note the dimension on your   sketch.   Continue this process until you have dimensions for each fence   line of the project.

 We can now add up the total numbers of Wood Fence Panels needed for each line.

  Most Wood Fence Panels are 8 foot wide.

 A fence line that is 16 foot long, will use 2 fence panels.

 An  18 foot long fence line, would require 3 fence panels.

 So take the measurement, divide that number by 8, with any fraction left   over as a complete panel. for the total number of panels needed.

 Most left over pieces can be used on other lines where they are wide  enough to span post to post. 

  Posts are needed at the end of each panel plus one post to start

 Some Wood Fence Panel styles may require a slightly different post layout, so always consider the style of fence you’re installing when locating your posts and be sure that the layout will work with your chosen style.

 Standard 4×4 fence posts are normally 3 1/2 inches wide, which is important


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