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Board & Baton

Board & Baton style is made by arranging the slats/pickets In two over lapping layers. The first layer of slat/pickets are 5/8" x % 1/2" they are fastened to the stringer spaced approx 1/4" apart in a stockade style. this is the "board". The second or top layer is a 5/8" x 1 1/2" material is then placed over the open spaces and fastened through the first layer into the stringer material completing the privacy panel.

Board & Baton fence can be built to any height and is offered in a variety of picket top styles (Dogeared, Old Point, Gothic, French Gothic, or Flat Top) and it can be had in lattice top.

This fence style readily lends itself to "Cap & Fascia", Round Topping (convex) or Scoop Topping (concave)ornamental fencing treatments.

The most common facing materials are  5/8"x 5.5" and %/8" x 1 1/2" slat/picket fence boards. The stringer/frame material is either "Full" 1"x4' or "Dressed" 2"x4".

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